support and discounts for developing countries

I’ve been catching up on my magazine reading and an ad from the AMS Book & Journal Donation Program in the December issue of the Notices of the AMS caught my eye. The program is designed to improve access to mathematical materials in developing countries via donations. The AMS already has discounted membership fees for those in developing countries, and in general the mathematics community seems more sensitive to these kinds of disparities.

I looked around a bit to see if the IEEE had any sort of book donation program, but it doesn’t seem to be an institutionally supported thing. The scalable computing people have a page on donations, but I didn’t see one for the main IEEE page. There are no discounts listed on the subscription price list. It seems like more could and should be done. Just putting more things online isn’t going to fix everything. There is a value in having actual books in a library too.

So what can be done? In terms of textbooks, there are already cheaper editions available from most of the major publishers, so that doesn’t seem to be the bottleneck. Setting up a clearinghouse (as the AMS has done) for more research-oriented titles seems like a relatively simple thing to do. Providing a tiered-pricing scheme for journals would be a next good step. If the impetus for this comes at a high level in the IEEE, it might get chapters (and undergrads!) engaged in helping gather materials, solicit requests for donations, and so on.

ITA 2009 : part I

I’m not going to organize these posts by topic, mostly because I don’t think it makes a big difference. This is a small selection of the talks which I attended at the Information Theory and Application Workshop that happened last week here at UCSD.

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reviewing in the air

In the last year and a half, I’ve been getting more requests to review papers, and I’ve been flying more. Surprisingly, they work well together, since I find airplanes to be a great time to work on paper reviews. I can’t really use my laptop on the plane, so I’m forced to sit with the paper and read it. There’s no internet to look up references, so I have to make sense of the paper on its own terms. This helps a lot when trying to evaluate how clear the exposition is. Finally, a plane trip is a chunk of time in which your distractions are limited, so it’s a good chance to really dig into a paper. The contiguous chunk of quiet time is an elusive beast in the world of research, and while the confined space of economy class is not conducive to proving lemmas (at least for me), it’s not bad for checking the proofs of others.

burning at both ends

I think I might be getting too old to have a 5 day workshop going on in the same week as a 2-hour choral concert.

Come to think of it, I’m leaving perfection and entering my prime (HT to Amittai).

I’ve been neglecting the old blog, so posts will be forthcoming on topics such as:

  1. a random sampling of talks at the ITA workshop that I attended
  2. recent reads
  3. etc.

Maybe if I promise something in public I’ll follow through with it?