2015 North American School of Information Theory

The 2015 ​North American ​School of Information Theory ​(NASIT) will be held on August 10-13, 2015, at the University of California, San Diego in La Jolla. If you or your colleagues have students who might be interested in this event, we would be grateful if you could forward this email to them and encourage their participation. The application deadline is ​Sunday, June 7. As in the past schools, we again have a great set of lecturers this year​​:

We are pleased to announce that ​Paul Siegel will be the​​ Padovani Lecturer of the IEEE Information Theory Society​​ and will give his lecture at the School. The Padovani Lecture is sponsored by a generous gift of Roberto Padovani.

For more information and application, please visit the School website.​​