Comics in Journalism; MNDTIS

Went to a talk by Joe Sacco, a journalist who works in comic book form. It was pretty interesting, especially the way he works and his take on how comics fit in with the kind of journalism he does, telling people’s stories from places like Palestine and Bosnia. It’s a way of reporting that is more indirect than text and less detailed than photography. The artist gets to choose more closely what you focus on while still giving you a multiplicity of interpretations in a single image.

My new digeridoo technique is eminently stoppable at the moment. I just can’t seem to get a consistent sound out of the thing. But I will keep trying, perhaps when my roommates aren’t around so that I don’t drive them insane.

Sometimes you have a conversation with someone which rapidly degenerates, and it becomes time to end, lest it get ugly. At that time, one invariably makes a graceless exit, hurried and enraged. I cannot put into words how annoyed I was. It’s a pity you can’t have your cake (ending the conversation) and eat it too (end on the moral high ground). They will always call you a quitter.

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0 thoughts on “Comics in Journalism; MNDTIS

  1. What do you define as consistent sound? Being able to sustain a long note, or being able to consistently produce the same sound with the same application of pressure, angle, mouth configuration, etc? If it’s the former, I don’t know that you’re supposed to be able to do that. The buskers at Circular Quay didn’t hold a note for more than about five seconds or so (though, to their credit, they could drop up or down for a few seconds and then pick the original note back up). If it’s the latter, can’t help you. All I know is that it is an actual playable instrument (as opposed to the digeridoos you get in some places, which are basically nicely decorated pieces of wood).

  2. Two weeks ago SF chronicle reported that Israeli Defense Force had closed access to the Gaza Strip, begun gun ship attacks, and, according to unconfirmed reports from Palestinian doctors, began overfilling the morgue near a big refugee camp. After reading the article, I got the feeling I had heard of that refugee camp before. I thumbed through Sacco’s Palestine and found the page or two he devotes to it. Then I realized that the camp was the one featured on the cover. The article notes that the resistance has taken to piling mounds of dirt to block-off narrow streets from IDF tanks. It seems redundant: the Sacco’s cover scene shows the roads in pretty bad condition.

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